Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Quarter Century Celebrations ..!!

This is indeed an important milestone in my life.
I completed my quarter century of years.. which makes me feel very old.
so i will call it completeion of 25 years of my existence.
What could be the difference between the past years and the coming ones could be that
in last 25 years ,many years i lived not knowing that iam living(like my child hood).
But for the coming years i would know every second of it and it would be only me who would frame my future(or even change my future).
Past years are indeed the most crucial period as this was the period of formation my core(what iam ??),which plays a decisive role in my future years to come.Every year i use to celebrate my birthday with my parents or friends happily. Now,Its quite ironical that at this juncture of life today ,there are none of loved ones near to celebrate.(As iam several miles away from my place).But i hope that all the blessing and best wishes of my loved ones are with me as i take on my future course of life which should be quite challenging and adventureous.
I truley feel that this celebration marks the LOVE of life.(Hence i have written in this blogspot :-))


Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Future Deadlock ...

Once in my hectic travel , i happen to see a local super hero movie .. in which bad guy uses hero intelligence to build a fututre seeing machine (FSM).. which is not new in any sense. and have already watched similar stuff before.

The bad guy wants to know the future and thereby knowing it wants to alter it ...!!! Looks good concept wise .. But in ideal case (i.e. if the FSM is 100% accurate) then what FSM is showing should happen regardless of what ever u do know to avoid it ..!! got it ..!!?? So if he is trying to alter the things by seeing in FSM and if it altered then FSM is not accurate . Which means that u believe a FSM which is not even accurate.. Seems a Deadlock naaaa...

The Bad guy did not understand this simple logic.. that if FSM is possible then its only for seeing and not for altering ...!!!

Bored with my theory in this Blog naaa.. This was just for a change...

Anyhow a Very Happy New year 2007 ..


Saturday, June 10, 2006

IT Happened !!!??

I really dont know whether it happened or not . I never thought that IT could happen to me.
Well enough of IT !! this is what ur thinking naa..??

Few months back i was working in another floor of same office .. and one day i saw a girl (this is what IT means!!!) , i really didnt know at that time that she would fill all my thoughts so soon, i really dont know the name of her and didnt even make attempt to know it ( but after so many months i came to know her name finally now...) Every day i use to see her in cubicle opposite to my one (If i get up from my seat i could see her) . God sake watching her gave me some much happiness and made me forget whole world , that i really cant express why it happens ... Then i started making note of the times she goes to canteen and i used to go to canteen at the same time ... after nearly a month i was changed into another floor.. then it became very difficult to get a see her.. Then i used to become desparate for that moment during breakfast or lunch or tea break where i might ( if iam lucky that day) get a glimpse of her.. Later i realised what have i become in search of an unknown girl.. Then i decided not think of her and not even bother to locate her .. i tried this for a month stictly but even after then i could not forget her.. Well that is time i realised that she has done some charm on me that i could not forget her or even the thought of her..

There are many ways of doing a particular thing and even more number of reasons for not doing it.. I thought of all the ways to express her and also tried all the ways to forget her but could not succeed in neither of them... One thing is definite that the sight of her brings happiness in my face and even her small thought in mind clears all my deep worries .. i would really like to know recipe of the charm of which i got affected... :-)

I really donno how this will end ... but iam still happy and will continue to be happy ... :-))

Some part of this mail i drafted six months back but now iam finding time to post it completely...

After a very very long hiatus.....!!!
You kow who..
( u might be wondering why i used 'IT' ?? coz we both are working in an IT company :-))

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Theory of Forgetfullness.

Well this is one more theory which i think is right !!!!

It states that if a distance between a persons is inversely proportional to the rememberance between them...

In simple words u remember about a person when ur close to him and when ur fr rom them u tend to forget them. This theory is only based on the emperical observations and has not valid proof like theory of contradiction . I have seen friends ,relatives who seem extremely close when we are with them but they simply forget when they are far .
Another side of the coin could be that they are more busy with there work that they dont have enough time . I have seen friends who did not have time to just call and say that they are going far .(No time to call !! i will never believe that reason... :-))

Any how you must be wondering what this dumb ,boring theory is doing in this blogspot of love , i am coming to that point . The Exeption to this theory is Love . No matter how far you go from your loved ones and how busy you are you still remember them or even talk to them .

The only thing i hope is to have more exceptions to this theory in my life ..didnt get , i meant that i need more loved ones than i have now !!! Tough ask !!! May be i will try to improve on it ..

After a long hiatus,

You Know Who.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Wishing You all a Happy Valentines Day...

You Know Who

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

To be or not to be..

There might be some stage in life where u feel that
let life go on and not bother what is instore for us.
I was in the same phase when i started writing this more than two months back.. ( iam completing it now)

Some things happen in life which make us happy and some make others happy.
I always depend on your definition of happiness..
and the path u choose to reach it..
while in most times u have the choice to choose what u want.
but the result of the choice may not always be what u wanted while making the choice.

we will generally be in a dilemma to choose when given an option.
to be or not to be..

I think the real problem is the choice...

My forthcoming blogs are "It Happened !!!??" and " Theory of Forgetfullness"
and i promise, them to be more interesting then this ..

You Know Who.

Expect me more often now !!

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Wishing you a Happy and Prosperous New Year 2006 ...

Happy Blogging in the new year ahead ...


You Know Who

Mind stoppers..

Well this is not about how to stop ur mind from thinking but..
to find the reason as to why we cant stop our brain from working (at our own will).

Thinking ,analysing,questioning .. all these are works of mind.
Some times while sleeping we do feel that mind disturbing to much causing no sleep at all.
What if just like a Television has On/Off button our mind has a similar button
which could stop us from thinking and can sleep happily at any time u wish ..or stop thinking we dont want to think about?
The simple answer is no. and the only reasons might be that God had forgot to keep them or wanted humans to be like that (Having no ability to control our mind).

Just as person in love just can stop thinking of there loved ones..
a person having to know result the next cant just stop thinking about the results..

As the science is making advances there might be a chance in future where we could stop our mind from thinking, which could be a boon to all the people as they can control there mind.
I am waiting for such advances to happen and would like to call them Mind stoppers (or even Mind controllers).

You Know Who

p.s: This Blog is the result of the some of the sleepless nights i had.